Wednesday, December 12

49/52 Behold the festive...alpaca?


Now don't get me wrong, I like alpacas. I think. What isn't to like? A silly hair, woolly jumpers produced, not hankering taste for biting small children's fingers... the only umbrage I take with the alpaca, is that they aren't renowned for being festive. And that is where we met them, at a Victorian Christmas Fair. The only Victorian element I could possibly spot was the owner of the Punch and Judy exhibit, but nonetheless it was quite Christmassy and free and full of nice stalls. We had been to a Christmas fair the weekend before and rather excitingly met some real live reindeer. At this one, was a pen with three alpacas. Now , given it was Christmas themed, I cannot recall an alpaca in the Christmas story. Donkey? Yes. Sheep? Yes. Alpaca? Wrong part of the world I think. I wonder if they were aiming for camels but ran out of budget. However, Wriggles was rather keen on the alpacas and tried to throw herself over the fence so I will let them off. 


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